I have extended family that lives in remote areas where they don’t have treated water and the dental aftermath of the unflouridated life is, lets just say unpleasant. To each their own I guess, but I think I’ll stick with […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for baxter
The idea for this comic came from a discussion between our niece Faith, my wife, and myself. My schedule has been all kinds of outta wack as of late which is gonna translate into some changes in the comic schedule […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
We have family over and ended up watching some kind of holiday themed baking show. Sure enough, fruitcake made an appearance, and even though I’m pretty sure I’ve never tasted one, I have to get my cheap shots in. May […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’ve never put too much time or effort into my appearance. Don’t get me wrong, I spruced up for job interviews or dates back when I went on those; but I never shopped for clothes with any enthusiasm or wanted […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Some dogs will play with anything and they’re happy to have it. My dog, she likes stuffed animals. She’ll chase a ball but doesn’t really like to pick them up or return them, and I’ve never seen her go after […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
We bought a new router on Cyber Monday and while its not quite the crown of Sauron it is a lot better than what we have now. I’m gonna be forming all the beams!! Have a good weekend, you lackadaisical loons!!
Remember kids, always eat Pop Tarts responsibly. Copious amounts of Boo Berry cereal are to be used with caution as well.
Some people will do anything for a deal. I enjoy a good one myself but I enjoy comfort even more so, you’ll rarely find me waiting in line in the cold, if I can help it. Happy money-losing day! I […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
My dog has never once complained about the state of her water dish but every once in a while when I’m cleaning her dish I wonder if she cares. The dog eats her poop if left to her own devices. […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…