There aren’t a whole lot of games where getting hit causes you to drop trou.
Here’s a conversation from the drawing board on that one:
THE BOSS: Hey guys, we’re making a spooky game about fighting monsters, but let me ask you this; if you were attacked by a ghoul what is the first thing you would do?
STEVE: …Take off my pants?
THE BOSS: Shut up everyone! No more answers, Steve has just hit the nail on the head. I know when I see a ghost or goblin the first thing I wanna do is get buck-ass naked. Make it and ship it.
Hey if you’re keeping up with my posts you’ll be happy to hear that Kim found my 3DS, Ronoldo, so all is right with the world. I also want to drop a plug for my friend Mike’s podcast The Midnight Citizen. If you wanna hear stories about living in Birmingham AL and having weird adventures and opinions give him a listen, he’s helped me keep my eyes open long enough to get the strip done on quite a few occasions. THANKS FOR READING!