We need to explore the rest of the rodent world when it comes to computer input devices. Give us the laptop woodchuck…THE PEOPLE DEMAND IT!! Have a good one, you tender vittles!
Posts Tagged computers
I’m trying to learn a little more about coding everyday, for my noncomics job. If you don’t pay attention you can really screw your whole system up. I’m fairly confident in my ability to not destroy my computer, but the […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The singularity is close. The prophesied time when man and machine become one in holy matrimony. Find your silicon soulmate and destroy your privates by bashing them endlessly into it’s cold aluminum casing. THE FUTURE!! I finally saw the despecialized […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This may or may not be adapted from a conversation that took place while playing Halo Reach with some of my best buds this weekend. Reach was super cheap on the Live marketplace this month so I picked it back […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…