I hope you’re filling your bellies with good food in the company of those you love. Happy Turkeymas and thanks for reading!
Posts Tagged Thanksgiving
I am starting this tradition right now and I want you to be a part of it. Dress a bird and send me a picture of it on Facebook or Twitter and tag it with #dressyourbird. Lets Take this thing worldwide… […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This is what happens when you’ve been playing Fallout 4 and gorging yourself on Thanksgiving desserts. Have you heard about piecaken? If you have then you know that mankind has officially reached its zenith. BUCKLE-UP BUTTERCUP, THIS IS THE END. […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Thanks be to you, readers! I hope you are having a week of full bellies and comfy naps. HAPPY TURKLE FLURKLE
I’m thankful for all you lovely people who come here and partake of my work. Whether you’re a long time viewer or it’s your first time by, thanks. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYBODY!!